We Want To Join Oli Hughes In The Shower, For Purely Innocent Reasons
This is our fifth time enjoying the sight of super fit Aussie model Oli Hughes, and I think I can reliably say there will be a lot more of him in the future.
Not as much as I would like, of course lol
This young man is gorgeous, and at least two of you have pointed out that he looks like a younger Justin Timberlake!
I knew there was someone famous he reminded me of, and that's definitely who I was not quite able to put my finger on.
I feel like I need to complain a little about the lack of photographers working with this gorgeous young man. I get the feeling that might be down to geography. Australia is a tricky place to get to, it's not like Rick Day or Stas Vokman can just hop on a flight and be back again after a weekend.
That's why I appreciate the shower selfies, clearly Oli Hughes knows there's a demand out there and he's happy to get sexy and teasing to deliver something lol
Let's keep our fingers crossed for more.
In the meantime, enjoy these pics, leave a comment and hit the thumbs-up button.
Have a great Sunday!
the best views are out the shower , aren’t ?
Of course I want to join him in the shower. Of course for purely innocent reasons: to save precious water! What else?
I only hope he doesn’t think of me as too old.
@ Jos: I also like the photos with the cascading water on his beautiful skin! Especially pic 1.
Chicken fuck me baaby —