New Hottie David Craig Might Become One Of My Top Ten

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I say this quite a lot, but I'm often surprised when a new guy gorgeous man crosses my online path and I discover we've never seen them here at Gay Body Blog before.

After so many years of doing this, with daily posts, I kind of convince myself that we've seen almost all the gorgeous men out there at least once already. Obviously this is stupid, but I can be stupid sometimes :)

We've never seen David Craig here on the blog before, but after a friend sent me these photos this morning I think I need to start doing a little digging and looking for more of him.

I don't know anything right now, and sometimes I prefer that because it lets me build my own thoughts about a guy.

I want to say that I think this guy might be British. I don't know what it is about him that makes me think that, but there's something telling me there's an uncut cock in those shorts, and that we might get to see it in a shoot at some point.

These photos are by Chán André, which is also another new name for us. If this is what they do as a photographer I think we might need to see more from them, too.

Enjoy his handsome, hairy, athletic hotness, and let me know what you think of him in the comments.

Have a great Sunday!

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Adam Marc
Adam Marc
2 years ago

WOW! A very beautiful sexy yummy hot body and an ass to absolutely die for !!!

2 years ago

que c’est beau !

2 years ago

Nr. 2 in my top ten. He can become nr. 1, when he shows everything!

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