The Erotic Art Of Tom Jones

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You guys know that I play at being an artist, and that I keep threatening to one day show you some of my own work, but I'm kind of insecure about it when I see the creations of people like Tom Jones.

No, I'm not referring to the Welsh singer or the Welsh landscape painter from the 1700s.

I'm talking about the American erotic artist who put a slightly different spin on the style of Tom of Finland with some of his extremely sporty models.

I loved Tom of Finland, but I love the Americana themes of Tom Jones even more. While the former was all about the leather scene and muscle daddies, the latter was all about the jock, the frat boy, the college wrestler.

There's a very specific set of themes in a lot of gay erotic art from the 50s through to the 90s and Tom Jones really encapsulates that in his work.

Forgive me for putting my Art degree to good use here but aside from the subjects and the erotic nature of his work I love the angular style. It adds to the masculinity of his subjects in a way that curved lines and careful edges wouldn't.

I'm sure you all get what I mean. Right?

I would gladly have any of these on my wall and I might actually have to see about maybe investing.

Or I could just try emulating his style with my own work, I guess lol

Enjoy, and have a lovely Saturday!

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3 years ago

Mmmmmm. In the fantasies of comic artists there is so much more possible than in real life. Sigh!

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