Super Sexy Fashion Model Trey Baxter Is Now On My Hot List

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Happy Wednesday!

I woke up to a very nice surprise in my email inbox this morning.

I'd never seen Trey Baxter before, so you can probably imagine my surprise when I saw these photos for the first time.

Within moments he was on my list of hotties to check out more of, and I think we might be getting some more of this sexy man a little later in the week.

I don't know very much about him yet. I tried to do some digging but all I could find were stats, like his height is 6'2".

Obviously we can see a lot from these photos by Andrew Gleason.

He's a remarkably handsome man with that blue steel look totally down.

He's got an awesome body and he looks amazing showing off that chest and abs.

I haven't seen him in underwear yet but I can imagine he looks even hotter :)

Don't worry, I will be looking for those photos and if they exist you'll get them here lol

Enjoy, leave a comment, hit the thumbs up button and share the post so your friends and followers get to enjoy him, too.

Most importantly, have a lovely Wednesday and I'll see you back here tomorrow for more sexy goodness!

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3 years ago

Well, he isn’t on my list, haha.
Good that there are different tastes. So we each can have our own man.

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