Is It Right To Call Handsome Tony MC Suave Looking?

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I've used this word to describe handsome men before and people seem to take offense at it, I have no idea why.

I'm not entirely sure what it is about Tony MC that makes me want to call him suave, but he has that certain air about him in this shoot by photographer Mishel Green.

Maybe it's the mustache?

He's got a traditionally masculine and handsome look about him, doesn't he? I mean, he does kinda look like he could appear in any gay porn movie of the 70s and 80s, with that muscular and rugged body and that facial hair.

I don't think any of us would mind seeing him in such a scenario.

We don't know a whole lot about him, mostly because it seems he's not a professional male model even though he could absolutely be one.

Regardless of what he does for a living I wouldn't complain about seeing him again in some underwear or swimwear shoots. He looks like he would be perfect for that style of work.

Enjoy him, leave a comment and hit that thumbs-up button.

Have a great Wednesday and I'll see you back here for more hotness tomorrow :)

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3 years ago

Erm, wut?

J.A. Fludd
3 years ago

Another one who can come round any time. And I hope he’s wearing less and showing everything when he does.

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