Forgive Me For Being A Little Infatuated With Bruno Miranda Santana

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Happy Wednesday!

A friend emailed me this morning apparently with the sole intent of feeding my growing obsession with gorgeous Spanish model Bruno Miranda Santana.

As you probably know, we've seen this stunning man on the blog three times already, with pics all from the same shoot by lucky photographer De La Cruz.

Clearly they had a great time working together because there's even more of this shoot to enjoy and Bruno is being even more teasing in the images!

It's a little difficult for me to say just how hot I think this man is without repeating myself. He's so handsome, and he has such an incredible body, I just want to see every single photo De La Cruz took while they were working together.

I still don't even know how many other shoots this gorgeous man has been in but it should be hundreds, and he should be totally naked in at least one of them.

Ever since I saw the first pics of this guy I've been contemplating the potential of shoots with some of our fave photographers like Rick Day or Stas Vokman. Can you imagine what they might do with him?

Anyway, enough of me fanboying over this ridiculously hot man, enjoy some more of his teasing pics and leave a comment below. Don't forget to hit the thumbs-up button!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

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3 years ago

You are forgiven – he isdamn hot and sexy!

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