A Good Fix of Super Sexy Male Photography

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We see a lot of guys on the blog, and a lot of photography and there's always something new and sexy to share with you all. Sometimes, however, an image really delivers something special and maybe unexpected.

I've seen it happen quite a few times, when I'm looking through a shoot by a great photographer and one image specifically sticks out from all the rest. It might be the pose, the location, the color or even an effect the photographer has put to the image after taking it, often it's a combination of things that make a photo great on its own.

One of my friends sent me some examples of their faves from over the years and suggested I post them. I've picked out some of the best ones. A few of these might even be from shoots we've seen on the blog before - a couple are definitely familiar to me - but they all deserve sharing.

I don't have any names to go with these, unfortunately. I don't know the models or the talented photographers who've delivered these sexy and creative glances at these hot men, but they're all still worthy of appreciating for their artistic delivery.

And I do have a favorite among them.

The seventh photo of the guy crouching with his big cock hanging is so damn hot. It's such a simple image but it's incredibly erotic and mysterious.

Let me know if you have a fave in the comments.

Have a great Saturday!

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3 years ago

number 2 is juan hortoneda

3 years ago

Number 4 is Joseph Sayer.

Michael Panigrosso
3 years ago

All Hot Guys !! Beautiful !!

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