You Liked The First Post Of Photos With Alim Khokonov, Enjoy Some More!
Hopefully I've managed to stay away from my desk for the weekend so I don't actually know if you enjoyed the photos of Russian model Alim Khokonov yesterday, but I think I've got most of you worked out and I can guess that you appreciated this handsome stud :)
We have another helping of the gorgeous man photographed by Thomas Synnamon and I think this second delivery might be hotter than the first. Mostly it's because we get to see him in some sexy black underwear, looking so suave and seductive.
Come on, you have to admit that those eyes could convince you into doing almost anything, right?
He's the kind of man who's hot from top to bottom.
And after looking at all the photos of this guy I've worked out that he only looks like Sawyer from LOST when he's frowning. At all other times he looks like his own man, but when that brow comes down he really looks so much like that guy.
Either way, he's a damn fine dude and you can bet I'm gonna be out there looking for more of him this week. I'm hoping this isn't a one-off shoot and he's been in a lot more shoots but I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Enjoy, leave a comment again, hit that thumbs-up button and make sure you're back here tomorrow to start your week off with some more awesome male hotness :)
Have a lovely Sunday!
Does the dude ever smile?
Why the fuck he’s so angry
There is cool and moody and then there is just totally being pissed off.