I Want To Join These Three Gorgeous Boys In The Sun Right Now

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I'm glad to say that we're expecting some sun here today, right before expecting snow on Monday! Yeah, the weather seems to be a bit screwed up, doesn't it?

I'm going to make the most of whatever hours of actual sunny weather we get this afternoon and spend some more time outside, but I would definitely prefer to be photographer Johan Anastasiadis and hanging out with these three sexy young men.

We have Dani Garcia, Gioele Patroni and Alessio Martin posing for Johan in this sweltering looking shoot and the trio make a great team.

Dani is the guy with the little patch of fur on his chest and the sexiest eyes, Gioele is his jock friend with slightly more tanned body and Alessio is the gorgeous darker skinned boy with the longer hair. I think everyone will agree that we would love to spend time with all three :)

I don't think I've ever heard of Yes I Am beach wear before but after doing a little digging it looks like they have a habit of finding sexy models for their gear and I think we'll be enjoying more from them soon.

Enjoy, leave a comment, hit the thumbs-up button and if you have sun to enjoy today make sure you get out there and get that Vitamin D fix :)

Have a glorious Wednesday!

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Yes Ansh

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