If You Like The Brooding Hunks Of The World You’ll Love Michael Scanlon

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Happy Friday everyone! Where has this week gone? I really have no idea but I'm glad I now have a couple of days off to chill out and do nothing, even though I've spent this week just sat at my desk. I might risk going on a hike this weekend, I definitely need to get out of the house for a few hours.

There is no segue I can find into presenting this handsome hunk so I'm just gonna jump right into it...

His name is Michael Scanlon and he's a gorgeous stud we haven't seen on the blog before, but we probably need more of him after this.

I don't know a whole lot about the guy but I do know he's more than a handsome model. He's an actor and a Rugby player and a specialist in Autism (I know, that's an odd combination but it's definitely more interesting than the usual model/personal trainer combo).

It looks like he's been modeling for quite some time, and it's easy to see why. His handsome, brooding good looks combined with that damn fine body make him an obvious choice for all kinds of themes and styles and he's one of those men who can look awesome in a suit or look damn hot in speedos.

I think we all prefer the latter, right?

I'm gonna look for more of the guy but you should probably leave a comment below and hit that thumbs-up button before you go :)

Have a lovely Friday!

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4 years ago

A brooding hunk that has a beautiful smile too? I am in!

4 years ago

He is one gorgeous guy, and one of the most popular models. He’s got quite a good background. Glad you featured him. There’s lots of good stuff with him out there.

4 years ago

[…] enjoying this gorgeous man on Friday you must have known we would be seeing more of him real soon. I was happy to get out there and […]

Jona Kieran
Jona Kieran
3 years ago

Wow. Georgous body. A reason to become bi.

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