Jay Karlsson Is The Epitome Of A Bel Ami Jock

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Most porn sites have a type, and when you've been enjoying it for as long as I have you can usually spot a guy and know instantly what site he's appeared for or what he'd be suited to. That's what happened in this case.

I can't remember exactly when I first saw gorgeous young hunk Jay Karlsson but I know I instantly thought he would look awesome at Bel Ami.

Today I found his gallery there!

It needs to be said that it seems this is all he's done for the site, apart from some cam shows (apparently he's real popular, I think we can see why) but he hasn't yet been in a hardcore video for them. We all agree that would be awesome to see, right?

Maybe now that he's had so much attention on the site he might be willing to explore that side of things a little more.

Even if he doesn't, he's a pretty damn hot representation of the kind of European jock hottie they have there, mixing in with some of the most gorgeous young twinks, too.

I'm sharing him mostly just so you guys can ogle that fine body, hot ass and tempting cock, but click here for the rest of his shoot, and plenty more hardcore action from a lot of great guys like him :)

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Jay Thibeault
Jay Thibeault
4 years ago

Absolutely hot!!! Let’s hope we see more of him!!!

Gordon Harris
Gordon Harris
4 years ago

Jay Karlsson is so cute & handsome too. Very nice body and cock too.

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