Kicking Off The Week With Teasing Kevin De La Cruz

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Remember last year when we first caught sight of sexy Kevin De La Cruz? He posed in a naked and very teasing shoot for amazing photographer Adrián C. Martín and I knew then that we'd need more of him on the blog. It seems most of you agreed, he got a lot of thumbs-up votes in that shoot.

This time things are slightly different, darker, more moody. He's not out in the sun for this one, he's in the studio and facing some pretty interesting color play and exposure manipulation.

I'm not sure exactly how Mr. Martín achieved this look, but it does kind of seem like he's deliberately played with contrast and color to get this effect and I'm not complaining about it. It's interesting, and with a hot guy like Kevin it works.

It seems to me that this model is one of those who has his limits. He's happy to show off that sexy ass, but a little more reserved when it comes to getting his dick out for a photo. I get it, some guys want to keep at least a little mystery and if I'm completely honest it can create more interest when less is revealed.

Still, we'd all like to see the goodies, wouldn't we? lol

He is a very sexy man, real handsome and with a hot body. I don't think anyone is going to complain about the teasing nature of these photos, although perhaps you'll have something to say about the darkness of them.

Enjoy, leave a comment, hit that thumbs-up if you want more of Kevin De La Cruz!

Have a lovely Monday :)

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4 years ago

Where did that photographer learn his profession?

4 years ago

Those glutes!

4 years ago

I know the lighting was intentionally manipulated to create the effects we see. I just don’t see the point, or much else.

4 years ago

Eric is so right. Wasted raw material. The best photographers actually know what to do with light.