Check Out Serious Stud Dimitrije

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I'm gonna say it... this is one of those times when the photographer should have taken one or two snaps of the model smiling.

His name is Dimitrije, and he's an incredible hunk with an immense body and a handsome angular face which reminds me of superhero characters. In fact, his entire physique made me wonder what he'd look like covered in spandex lol

Contrast Light Studio are responsible for these photos, clearly understanding what an imposing figure he is and choosing to take these photos from a low angle to accentuate that.

I checked out his social media and there are photos of him smiling there, and he looks ten times hotter. Maybe it's the formality of this shoot that makes him seem a little... forced?

Regardless of that, you have to admit he's a stunning man with an incredible body. Fans of furry pits will love him too, obviously :)

I'm gonna have to add him to my list, I want to see some more natural and easygoing shoots with him and see if he looks as different as I expect.

Enjoy and let me know in the comments what you think of him. Hit that thumbs-up button and feel free to share the post with your friends and followers.

Have a great Thursday :)

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4 years ago

Great body. Robotic expression. Smile a little, be a little cheeky with expression. Otherwise you look just a lifeless plastic Ken Doll (object)…

4 years ago

I’ve said it before, every time I see a photo shoot without the model smiling, I assume it’s because he has bad teeth.

4 years ago

Yeah, it’s nice when they smile, but that’s up to the photographer. These are not just poses for someone’s I-phone. Also, the guy is Russian and Russians are not apt to smile too much. He’s clean-shaven, so at least you can SEE what he looks like. Enjoy the clean body….it’s the BODY blog, after all, not an ad for a dentist. These Russian bodies are amazing.

4 years ago

If he is not gonna smile, the least he can do is lose the speedos. 🙂

4 years ago

Why post pictures of Russian photographers / models? Unless you are sure they are homophobic free !!!!!

3 years ago

He is from Serbia not Russia

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