Who Is This Gorgeous Hunk Posing For Stas Vokman?

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Guys, I'm gonna need your help with this one.

As you know, all my friends are currently "working" from home, and they've been sending me all kinds of hotties over the last couple weeks. This handsome hunk is a new one, but I have no idea who he is.

The friend who sent the photos tells me the photographer is Stas Vokman, someone we all know pretty well from his awesome work for the Maskulo brand in the past, but it seems there is no name for the ridiculously gorgeous hunk of man posing for these pics.

How can this be? How can such an impressive looking model simply not have a name?

He's awesome, and if he's never been in front of the cameras before (which I find hard to believe) he needs to be showing that handsome face and incredible body a hell of a lot more often.

I really can't say what I like most about him. His eyes are so sexy, that grey in his beard is so damn hot, and that body is incredible. Overall, he might be the perfect package.

If we can find a name for this guy I'm gonna be out there spending some time looking for more. I wonder if he's posed nude like some of the other models Stas Vokman likes to shoot?

Let me know what you think of him in the comments, hit that thumbs-up button and share this post so your friends and followers can enjoy this gorgeous stud, too.

Most importantly, have a good Wednesday, try and get some sun :)

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4 years ago

I saw the same photos. And also:

Model: Anonymous
Photographer: Stas Vokman

So I think you must ask the photographer himself.

4 years ago

It’s Vladislav Lukashuk, Russian bodybuilder

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