Embrace the Isolation with Colton White

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Hey all. Hope this isolation hasn’t made you too insane yet. I spent the last three days nearly forgettingthat there’s a world outside. Apparently, there is still more to life than all the saved porn on my laptop.  

Since we’re not going outdoors anytime soon, we’re just gonna have to make the most of it for a little while longer. So let me share this sexy-ass man who is not only pretty to look at, but fun to chat with! Colton White is one of the latest fresh faces on gay cams. Even though he’s been camming for a couple years, we’re seeing a lot more of his load lately.  

Colton has a nice cock and a super ripped body. One of his biggest trademarks is, of course, that giant bird tattoo on his chest. Wouldn't it be lovely if we could just fly our way onto his cock so he can show just how hard he likes to pound? 

This dude has some interesting fetishes that might make some of ya’ll happy...down there. You don’t need to manscape for this guy because he loves some body hair. He also has a taste for older men. Colton is only 21, so you already get bonus points if you can enter a bar when this quarantine is over. 

It's hard not to leave this guy’s chat room once you enter. His eyes and Colombian accent are a start to something you know will be amazing. So you might as well enjoy the ride. I mean, it’s not like either of you are going anywhere. 

Take a look at some of his sexiest photos. If this toots your horn, then stop by his room! 

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4 years ago

The ink is hideous. Zero appeal.

4 years ago

Hasn’t anybody told him that tats are so 2010?

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