More Of Insanely Hot Jorge Cobian Bulging Out Of His Underwear

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There is a real risk that I'm gonna run out of things to say about handsome male model Jorge Cobian, but I'm not gonna let that stop me from sharing as many photos of this incredibly hot man as I can.

If you didn't see the post on Tuesday, or the one from back in January, I would recommend taking a look at both.

In that first post I said that it appeared he was new to the business, but I was certain that we would be enjoying a lot more of him in 2020. That certainly seems to be the case, and looking the way he does I'm totally not surprised.

We still don't know much about him and I'm waiting for that one day when I'll find an interview with the guy so we can learn more, but I'm just gonna say now that I can totally imagine he grew up in the country, playing sports, going to college and working as a personal trainer.

Is it stereotypical? Yes. Is it often how things went for guys like him? Yeah!

Ogle him some more, and if you want to see some more posts featuring this insanely attractive young man then leave a comment and hit that thumbs-up button. Don't forget to share this post so your friends and followers can enjoy him too, they'll appreciate it.


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4 years ago

What a handsome and well proportioned person. Just awesome.

4 years ago

Seriously, physically, this guy pushes EVERYONE of my buttons.

That said, often such physiques belong to arrogant, ungrateful fellows without an ounce of humility and, alas, make lousy friends, let alone husbands. But, since I will never meet this guy, I’ll gladly live in the fantasy of “what might have been” and be happy with that.

By all means, Conran, mas, mas, mas de Jorge!

4 years ago

nice boy and what an underwear

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