Cinematic Style Sexiness With Anonymous Hottie V

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Do you ever wonder how many famous men out there have posed nude for creative friends and lovers? I do that quite a lot. When I see an anonymous shoot with an unknown model I often wonder if it might be a famous actor who took the opportunity to branch out into something else for a very talented photographer friend to snap.

When I saw this anonymous model posing for photographer Alex Efimoff that's what I thought about.

He's a great artist, and he's worked with some very famous subjects in the past, too. So, you have to wonder if maybe the impressive body being displayed in this gorgeously sumptuous shoot might be that of an actor or musician.

Regardless of who the man is these photos are amazing, so stylish and sexy, like stills from an amazing erotic movie. I love everything about it, from the posing to the lighting to the soft shifting of focus... it's awesome and I think I want more in this style.

Let me know what you guys think in the comments below, hit that thumbs-up button and feel free to share this post around out there too.

Most importantly, have a fab Wednesday!

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