Pablo Hernandez Teases For Photographer Matthew Mitchell

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I very nearly considered this shoot to be nude, but you guys might know I have a rule about that and I can only call it properly nude if we see more than an inch of cock. In this case, which gorgeous Pablo Hernandez is being real sexy and seductive for photographer Matthew Mitchell, he doesn't quite go the full dong display.

I'm actually cool with that, it's still a damn hot shoot with a damn hot guy, and no doubt he knows how to tease and keep our attention throughout.

I have to admit, too, that I do prefer the dreamy black and white shots in this collection. Am I a traditionalist? I don't think so, I think they just show off his sexiness more.

You might remember that we've seen this guy before, way back in August 2016. I don't know why it's taken so long to get more of this incredibly hot guy on the blog but now that we've seen these photos I think we're gonna need more, right?

He's had three years to appear in a lot more work, so let's all hope there's more info out there and possibly some naked shots too. He's clearly down for that.

Leave a comment and let me know, and hit that thumbs-up button too! Most importantly, have a fantastic Wednesday :)

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5 years ago

only a word : harmony in red and blue

1 year ago

Very sexy.

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