Calum Winsor Can Navigate My Waters Whenever He Likes!

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I think a lot of you are gonna recognize this handsome hunk, if you don't know him by name already. We've seen him on the Gay Body Blog a few times in the past (even naked!) and he's always going to be welcome here, because he's a damn fine looking man with a great body and we will always want more. Check out his previous posts and prepare to drool.

Oh, and Happy Monday, by the way! I hope you had a fab weekend and you're ready for the days ahead. I'm feeling oddly energized, something regular readers will know is very strange for me. I don't know what's caused it, but I'm gonna make the most of this burst of eagerness and get to the gym this afternoon.

That might have something to do with seeing Calum Winsor shirtless, though. He's definitely the kind of man who inspires me to get a little more active. I might not have that face and that gorgeous rump, but I could at least try to get that chest and those abs :)

This shoot by photographer Ray John Pila is an interesting mix. I guess we're following a ship's captain from waking up in the morning to going to work? Whatever the story is, I'm here for it. This man is gorgeous, and any chance to see that peachy ass is not gonna be missed by me :)

Enjoy, leave a comment below, let me know what you think of this shoot. Most important of all, have a great Monday.

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5 years ago

What’s better then a man in uniform, is a man out of his uniform! Talk about eyes that give you a hard on!

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