Gorgeous Kyle Gorsuch Could Warm Me Up Any Day!

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OMG, it feels like -20 here right now. The boiler has packed up and despite three different guys coming out to look at it (two of them damn hot) the parts need to be ordered. Why is that always the case?

So, in an effort to keep warm I'm checking out some hotties on the Internet, as you do :)

Kyle Gorsuch caught my eye this morning so I had to get out there and see what else I could find on this guy. I wasn't disappointed, although I would love to see more of him wearing nothing but some tight little undies. Or, better still, some naked shots would be awesome.

I don't believe he's gone fully nude yet, but he's most definitely a stud who likes to tease and show a little more for a photographer.

In this instance the lucky man taking the naps is Mattheus Lian, a guy who seems to have a history of taking amazing photos of great guys showing off their body. I guess we might all want to see some more of his work in the future.

As for sexy Kyle, he's my kind of guy. I know long hair might not be to everyone's taste, but on him it works. He reminds me a little of River Phoenix from his long-haired days, only far more muscled and fit.

And that body... do I need to say much else about that? He's the kind of guy I see at the gym and have to follow for the rest of the time I'm there.

Let me know what you guys think. You want more of him, right?

Say Hi in the comments, hit that thumbs-up button, and have a great (warm) day! :)

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5 years ago

Very hot!

5 years ago

Very hot bod, but a brooding look in every pic? lol

5 years ago

Ditto with the other comments regarding the killer body. But, yeah, the Rapunzel thing with the hair is a BIG turn off.

5 years ago


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