Christian Hogue In Sexy White Boxer Shorts

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Happy Friday boys and girls! Are you ready for the weekend? I think we're going to be celebrating if the words I've been reading on the Twitter machine are true. It might be a big news day and I'm already contemplating how I might celebrate.

I'm starting this (potentially) joyous day with some pics of someone I really enjoy, and I have to thank my friend Andy for alerting me to this goodness with a shot of male model Christian Hogue in some very sexy white boxer shorts, posing for photographer Blake Ballard.

We've seen him several times before, but I can't get enough of the guy and I might have to spend some more time this afternoon digging for more pics of the handsome Oregonian.

Is that the right word? People from Oregon should let me know in the comments.

Hmm, what else can I tell you about this gorgeous 26-year-old, other than the fact that the sight of him in crisp baggy white boxers really (and I mean REALLY) does something for me...

He was a gymnast, and played football too, so I guess that's how you get a body like his. That sounds like too much work for me so I think I'll stick to the occasional gym session, but mostly just thinking about working out while I eat chips.

Enjoy him, leave a comment, hit the thumbs up button and stand on one leg for thirty seconds while whistling the theme tune to Game of Thrones. If you don't do all of that at least have a fantastic Friday, and come back here for more this weekend :)

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6 years ago

I’m not from Orgeon, but yes, it’s “Oregonian.” And I’ll be right there on the couch with you eating chips! Great run of gorgeous men recently, too — thanks!

6 years ago

Simply put, awesome sultry sexy!

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