We Need More Of Rony Gilman After This Sexy Shoot

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I once knew a guy who looked a lot like this handsome man, and it probably won't be any surprise to you that I lusted after him like a boy possessed. His name is Rony Gilman, and he's stunning. I didn't know the guy he reminds so much of for very long, he was just a friend-of-a-friend kind of guy. We went to the gym a few times and I had a bit of a fumble with him twice. If I didn't achieve anything else with the guy I think I got him curious about things and it wouldn't surprise me if he's bisexual these days and having a lot of fun without me. lol As this is the first time we've seen Rony Gilman on the Gay Body Blog I did a little digging and I can tell you that he's not just a pretty face and a hot body. He's a 25-year-old Law and Business graduate who (totally unsurprisingly) works as a personal trainer and motivational coach, with a bit of a social media following. I'm actually surprised it's taken this long to find him, it looks like he's been in some great shoots for some great photographers in the last few years, this one being a shoot for Garçon Model, by an unknown photographer. It's a very sexy shoot with a raw and natural feel to it, not a whole lot of production and staging. I love shoots like this. Let me know what you guys think of him, don't we need to see more?

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6 years ago

Good-looking, nice body….can’t ask fro too much more!

Ron M.
Ron M.
5 years ago

dont care for the shaved pubes

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