The Incredible Philippe Bélanger By David Vance

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I was pretty certain we have seen gorgeous Philippe Bélanger on the Gay Body Blog before, but after a little searching it looks as though I was wrong, or at least we haven't seen him in his own post even if we caught sight of him in a collection of pics by David Vance. I think we all agree that this gorgeous man deserves a full post of photos, right? Surprisingly, there's not a whole lot of him out there posing for photographers, and it seems that he's not actually a full-time male model. I know, you're shocked, and so was I. When I first saw him I was convinced that I could do a little searching and find hundreds of shoots with the sexy man by all kinds of photographers and for all sorts of projects, but that's just not the case. So, you're probably wondering what this man does for a living if he's not using his incredible good looks that way... he's a Cirque du Soleil performer. Yes, the 26-year-old has all kinds of skills when it comes to using his body and being the center of attention, and although we want to see more of him in front of the cameras I think a lot of us would love to see him on stage too. Aside from being a model and a Cirque du Soleil performer, he's also a sportswear designer, an entrepreneur and apparently a workaholic who can't stop. Oh, and to add to that, he considers himself a "party boy" too, you can make of that what you will :) Enjoy his gorgeousness, leave a comment, and let's all collectively hope for plenty more shoots with this stunning man in the future.

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6 years ago

Brain, talent, incredible looks. Yep. Perfect.

6 years ago

This guy is so cute and hot

6 years ago

Lovely lovely set of photos of a gorgeous man!

6 years ago

Yes with his hypnotic blue eyes and very breed-worthy butt, Philippe is a walking, breathing, unicycle riding wet dream in motion.

But what sells the pictures, of course, is the photographer. David Vance is — hands down — is the modern master at capturing the male nude. His powerful use of light and shadows emphasizes each model’s best features.

Honestly, how you can you not fall in lust with all of them? And, with Mr. Vance for sharing. ; )

6 years ago

Those eyes, that jaw line. I need that spray bottle to cool off!

6 years ago

I just saw him in Cirque’s new show Volta tonight. He is breathtaking, and thankfully so are several of the other shirtless men in the show!

3 years ago

Scary erotic view.
A perfectly trained, balanced anatomy …

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