I just read that title again and I think I fucked up. Porn stars are actors, of course, it's just that I don't think we seem them that way most of the time. I had this debate with someone before and they tried to clarify it by claiming that porn stars obviously have a lot of fun doing what they do, but that's a flawed argument. Mainstream actors enjoy their job too! lol
Whatever, I went off on a bit of a tangent there when we really should be enjoying the sight of handsome German actor Marcel Schlutt showing off his naked body for the world to enjoy.
There's a good mix of shots of the guy here, and I guess some of them might be from porn shoots. I was going to get out there and see what videos I could find of him but I'm saving that little excitement for this evening :)
From what I understand, he's appeared in mainstream movies that you would normally find in the "World Cinema" section, the kind of gritty or romantic gay movies that never make it to the big screen but are usually worth watching.
Can you tell I have a collection of European cinema?
Check out some more pics of Marcel Schlutt showing off for the world, leave a comment if you've seen any of his movies, or just if you want to say hi :)
Handsome guy but why the cigarette? Tobacco total turn off!
I’ve seen Slutt in a film from wich he made two versions: Gefanfen, non porn, and enclosured, pron. I’ve got enchanted by his swfit acting