Lucas Garrido Has A Great Butt To Show Off

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I don't know what the weather is like where you are, but I can probably guess that it's not the kind of weather you would enjoy if you were out in a field in the early morning, completely naked. Handsome hunk Lucas Garrido doesn't have such worries, he's in a gorgeous setting watching the sun come up and wearing nothing, and we're all jealous. I love this shoot by photographer Bruno Cavalcanti. It reminds me of waking up in a field with a friend, on a camping trip at the height of summer, then spending the day lounging around in the sun and wearing very little. That sounds pretty idyllic, right? It was, and it's got me thinking about repeating that this summer. This is the first time we've seen Lucas Garrido and his gorgeous ass, and it's the first time we've seen the photography of Bruno Cavalcanti too, but after looking at some of his other work I think we might need to have more of him here on the blog. He creates beautiful images with some pretty hot guys in outdoor settings like this, and I really want more. Have a great Monday guys, leave a comment and let me know what you all think. :)

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