Gorgeous Male Model Dom Blanchard Shows Off His Muscles

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I want to both thank photographer Cody Kinsfather for taking these photos of gorgeous Dom Blanchard, and slap him with something for not giving us more of the stunning male model in this shoot. I really don't know how we've managed to miss out on seeing Dom Blanchard on the Gay Body Blog before today. I just did a little checking and this incredible looking hunk has been in some truly great shoots over the last few years. We really should have seen him before already, but I guess it's better late than never! From what I've seen of this guy he's not at all shy about showing off his amazing body and being a bit of a tease. It looks as though every photographer who gets the chance to see him in front of their lens wants to do the same thing, and that's get him as naked as possible. I understand that urge. Can you imagine having this guy in front of you and not wanting to see him in the buff? Impossible! Every inch of this guy is sexy. Although we've only got five photos in this shoot to enjoy I think it's enough to justify sharing him on the Gay Body Blog for you guys to enjoy. Let me know in the comments what you all think of him. Do you want to see more?

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

He is a good looking guy who catches on fire in front of a great photographer’s lens. He is scorchingly hot in my opinion. From Texas and has a strong drawl. Loves to hunt.

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