What Do You Guys Think Of Daniel Rumfelt?

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This isn't the first time we've had handsome and buff male model Daniel Rumfelt on the Gay Body Blog, but the last time we saw him flashing us some cock and ass he was a little younger and more fresh-faced than he is now. This is one of those times where I can't actually say whether he was hotter then or now. Really, it's impossible, so don't even try to get me to answer that one. By all means let me know in the comments which version of him you prefer, although I think most of you will probably be on the same page as me. He was always gorgeous, when he was starting out and looking like a handsome young jock he was totally delicious, but being a fan of incredible hunks with some real muscle I think he's looking amazing right now too. I guess he's moved on from fashion and underwear to physique and fitness? Whatever he's doing now he needs to do more of it. It doesn't look like he's been particularly active in front of the cameras lately and I think that really needs to change. Enjoy his photos, leave a comment, hit that thumbs up button and most of all have a great day!

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7 years ago

He’s ridiculously good-looking.

TFL 1984
TFL 1984
7 years ago

Daniel runs rings around the previous model, Matthew Camp. He still has that baby face that Conran refers to, but his body is all man. And, very clean cut.


7 years ago

Oh, my….what do I think? I will always think of Daniel Rumsfelt!! Insanely good-looking!

7 years ago

Does he have personality issues with his body ? Very strange question & you knew how we would answer…. not going to give you what you want!! BEG ME ON YOUR KNEES SLAVE !

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