Hairy Lad Jörg By Joseph Wolfgang Ohlert

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And now for something completely different! Every now and then I spot a hottie that I really didn't expect, and even though I sometimes wonder if they're going to hit the right note with our readers here at Gay Body Blog I feel compelled to share them anyway and see what happens. That's what I thought when I first saw German lad Jörg. And I think calling him a "lad" is the right way to go. If he were a British boy we would probably be calling him a "chav" or a "scally", he has that same youthful troublemaker look about him. I think it's damn sexy, especially considering this guy is so good-looking and has the body he does. I should say that in the UK the whole scally/chav scene is kind of fetishized. They're the type of young man who might call himself straight but he'll still get his cock out with a buddy and have some fun. I know nothing about this handsome and hairy guy other than what I've already said, but something tells me he might be a little like that. That's what I'm imagining at least :) Let me know what you guys think of him in the comments! Have a lovely Wednesday.

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7 years ago

He’d be great waxed & shaved. But not as he is.

7 years ago

He is gorgeous! I’m sorry, but I can agree. Why would you ever get rid of that glorious hair – it’s so sexy! 🙂

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