ilde Swimwear Has Some Buff Hotties To Share With Us

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I'm not sure we've seen any shoots from ilde Swimwear on the Gay Body Blog before, but if this is their standard then I think we're going to be seeing a lot more from them in the future. Right off the bat we can see they have great taste in men. We have some gorgeous buff male models posing in their gear for this one, some men no doubt you will all recognize. I'm going to point out my favorite guy in this one - Cole Monahan. He's the handsome long-haired hunk with the slightly hairy body, and he's looking damn fine in this shoot with his friends. There's not enough of him, though. Just one photo? Seriously? He's one of the most stunning male models out there right now and you're only gonna use him in one damn photo? I really don't understand that at all, but then I guess we have plenty of other handsome and fit hunks to enjoy in this one. Please throw some other names out there in the comments if you recognize any of the other men in this shoot. And let me know too if you think there should be a lot more of sexy Cole in this one. I'm not alone in thinking that, right?

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7 years ago

You can have Cole M. Send me the real man — second photo, far right — ASAP. I think I need to be resuscitated.

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