Alex G. Lobo Is Looking Hot In Nothing But A Towel

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Yes, I have a thing for men wearing nothing but a towel. I don't get it either, but there it is. I guess it's like straight guys who like seeing a woman in nothing but a long shirt? I know a couple of guys who are into that. Check out handsome jock dude Alex G. Lobo, showing off his pretty fine body for photographer Adrian C. Martin (what's with all the middle initials? I don't know) I do believe this is the first time we've seen this handsome man on the Gay Body Blog, and I don't think he's done a lot more than this either. Maybe this sexy shoot is a good sign of what we can expect from this guy in the future? I certainly hope so, what we get to see in this shoot is all pretty damn hot and I know I'm not the only one scrolling through these photos thinking "drop the towel" lol Check out that fine ass, what a peachy looking butt that is. You could have a lot of fun with that :) Can you imagine waking up in the morning with this guy and all his assets laying there in the bed next to you?

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Juraj Zamek
Juraj Zamek
7 years ago


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