We All Need A Lot More Of Jesse Thommes

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Every now and then someone sends me a pic of a guy and I'm tempted to spend far too much time tracking down more of them. That's the case with this handsome young man. I think you'll understand why when you see that bulge, though. Yeah, the rest of him is damn fine too, but this guy has a great package, and he seems to know it! He's not the only one who knows it, photographer Alex Hilbert has clearly done a great job of highlighting that aspect of the guy, putting him in some very sexy and teasing undies that you wouldn't really expect to be that sexy until he's wearing them lol One of the best things about this guy is that he's just a regular, handsome, sexy dude with a great naturally fit body and a nice face. He's the kind of guy you might not expect to be a male model, but if you saw him down the pub you'd be hitting on him. There's not enough of this guy out there right now, we need more. I would love to see a nude shoot with this guy, and I get the feeling he might actually be down with that too if it's done right.

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7 years ago

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