Ramon Rodrigues And Orlando Baronne Can Take Me To The Beach Any Time!

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The Exodia Beachwear brand is totally new to me, but after seeing this shoot with Ramon Rodrigues and Orlando Baronne I hope that we see a lot more from them in the future. By that I mean both the brand and the men showing off their wares for them! There seems to be so many different underwear and swimwear brands out there these days it's hard to keep up with what's going on, but I'm more than happy to try when they're making shoots like this one, with guys like these two. This is how they get us into their brands guys, it's all a plot. They get a hunk to show off his bulge in their gear and before you know it we're out there buying their stuff. Not that it's a bad thing of course. Even though I would never manage to look like either of these guys just by putting on some of their gear I would love to try lol I don't know which of these guys is Ramon and which is Orlando, but I get the feeling that one of you might be able to tell me. Have we seen either of these guys on the Gay Body Blog before? I get the feeling we have but I have no clue. Leave a comment, hit the thumbs up, let me know which of these guys does it for you more than the other - I think I know already :) ramon-rodrigues-and-orlando-baronne-can-take-me-to-the-beach-any-time-0 ramon-rodrigues-and-orlando-baronne-can-take-me-to-the-beach-any-time-1 ramon-rodrigues-and-orlando-baronne-can-take-me-to-the-beach-any-time-2 ramon-rodrigues-and-orlando-baronne-can-take-me-to-the-beach-any-time-3 ramon-rodrigues-and-orlando-baronne-can-take-me-to-the-beach-any-time-4 ramon-rodrigues-and-orlando-baronne-can-take-me-to-the-beach-any-time-5 ramon-rodrigues-and-orlando-baronne-can-take-me-to-the-beach-any-time-6 ramon-rodrigues-and-orlando-baronne-can-take-me-to-the-beach-any-time-7 ramon-rodrigues-and-orlando-baronne-can-take-me-to-the-beach-any-time-8 ramon-rodrigues-and-orlando-baronne-can-take-me-to-the-beach-any-time-9

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Henry James
Henry James
8 years ago

Both of them are so tasty!!!

8 years ago

They do a service to those suits, and vice-versa. Really nice1

Tom Kay
Tom Kay
4 years ago

The one without any ink is Orlando Barrone.

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