Perfect Jock Hunks For Aronik

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I'm gonna go out on a limb here and suggest that you're all gonna love this post. I know it can be a little hit and miss sometimes with the guys I share on the blog, some of you don't like hairy guys, others don't like any tattoos on a dude, some hate smooth jocks and too much muscle... it can be hard to find guys I know you're all gonna love. In this case I think I've done it. Aronik has a good reputation for getting some truly sexy young men in front of their cameras, and they've done it again for this latest shoot with some extremely handsome and very fit young guys showing off their swimwear out in the sun. All of these guys look damn fine, smooth and buff, so well built and so sexy too. I have a fave though, but then you probably expected that, right? lol It's the first guy. There's something about that face, that body... everything about him is gorgeous and I would love the opportunity to spend some quality time with him :) He's so good looking and those abs are just amazing. I don't usually pick out things like that about a dude but with him I have to admit that I would aspire to have a bod like that if I thought for one moment I could achieve it. Enjoy their pics, leave a comment, most of all have a great Friday! perfect-jock-hunks-for-aronik-1 perfect-jock-hunks-for-aronik-2 perfect-jock-hunks-for-aronik-3 perfect-jock-hunks-for-aronik-4 perfect-jock-hunks-for-aronik-5 perfect-jock-hunks-for-aronik-6 perfect-jock-hunks-for-aronik-7 perfect-jock-hunks-for-aronik-8 perfect-jock-hunks-for-aronik-9

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8 years ago

WOW!!!!!!!! love this!

8 years ago

You made me very happy with these guys. The guy in the last two pictures is my favorite model, period!. He is so classically handsome and has an incredibly perfect body.

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