Naked Tyler By Mark Grantham

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We had some pics by photographer Mark Grantham on the Gay Body Blog a few days ago and ever since then I've been out there looking for more and wanting to find everything he's done. If you're a regular here and been reading for a while then you probably know that I love interesting settings for a shoot, and I love it even more when model is naked too (of course!) so it's probably not too surprising that I would find something pretty interesting in this guys work. There's something pretty odd about having a hot guy posing in a derelict structure, a place most people wouldn't want to go. I'm not entirely sure what it is about these settings that makes it so fascinating, but if you want to get really deep about it all perhaps it has something to do with life and death, or beauty and ugliness, movement and stillness... Okay, I'm getting way too psychological in this post and it just won't do... look at his dick to make all those in-depth creative thoughts go away :) We only know this guy as Tyler, but I think I speak for us all when I say we would all love to know a lot more about him, and see a lot more of him too. Leave a comment below and share your thoughts, and don't forget to share this post around so all your lucky friends can check him out too!                    

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8 years ago

He has a sexy sleek trim fit bod! nice

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