Andrew Christian And Their Gay Porn Star Models

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There are underwear companies that really know where their market is, and I think we probably all agree that Andrew Christian is one of the best when it comes to promoting their gear in the perfect way. I remember rubbing one out to catalogue pics of guys in undies way back in the 90's (oops, showing my age there a little lol) and it was never anything like this. There are still companies out there showing off their gear in the most bland and boring ways too, they don't seem to get that their market is women (buying for their straight men) and gay guys - we all want to see handsome and hunky men showing off some bulge in that gear! lol Andrew Christian has done it again in this shoot, bringing in a whole bunch of handsome and hunky gay porn stars to show off their underwear line, and it definitely works on me. You all know I have a thing for underwear anyway, so seeing the likes of Topher DiMaggio, Arad Winwin, Jon Pastor and Ryan Rose posing in some examples from their new VIBE collection is almost going to guarantee I'm giving them some of my money :) It might be a cliche that the guys are pumping iron and showing off in the gym, but come on, we all have to admit that this setting does it for us! Check out the pics, enjoy, give them a thumbs up and leave a comment below. If you're feeling especially lovely today why not share this post around on Twitter and Facebook with all your lovely friends? Andrew Christian And Their Gay Porn Star Models 8 Andrew Christian And Their Gay Porn Star Models 1 Andrew Christian And Their Gay Porn Star Models 9 Andrew Christian And Their Gay Porn Star Models 6 Andrew Christian And Their Gay Porn Star Models 3 Andrew Christian And Their Gay Porn Star Models 2 Andrew Christian And Their Gay Porn Star Models 4 Andrew Christian And Their Gay Porn Star Models 5 Andrew Christian And Their Gay Porn Star Models 7

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joseph moureau
joseph moureau
8 years ago

du VIBE à gogo pour vibrer grave !

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