Smooth And Sexy With Erick Bolivar
Check out smooth and fit young man Erick Bolivar, a Mexican hottie with a gorgeously defined body showing off some skin in a shoot for photographer David Suarez, isn't he sexy?
This is the first time we've seen him on the Gay Body Blog, but after this shoot I think I'll have to get out there and see what else I can find of him. He seems to be one of those male models with a hot bod to share and the willingness to show it, so perhaps he's been more revealing in some other shoots too? Fingers crossed :)
I have to say that although I like this shoot and I think he's pretty good, I would want to get in there and mess his hair up a little, and get rid of the jacket entirely. He really has a great body and it should be shown off, I think he would probably be a little more interesting without that mannequin look.
The first pic is the best one in my opinion and it's a shame there wasn't more of him being that revealing and truly displaying his fit form.
Let me know in the comments what you guys think of him, give him a thumbs up too at the bottom of the post, and don't forget to share this post around on twitter and facebook etc :)
I have nipples the size of this guy & hidden for so many years bc they did not look like the rest of kids.. Man when I awoke from that nitemare , I had a blast.. So expose the nipple please