Erotic Photography With Uncut Jocks Yuri Alpatow And Roald Ekberg

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You guys know that I occasionally get emails from friends, colleagues and readers with suggestions for what to share on here with you guys, and I really do appreciate it when a sexy email drops and I have something like this to share. I don't know anything about this shoot other than it features Yuri Alpatow and Roald Ekberg, and I know I could have got out there on the net and checked out more from either of these guys but I just wanted to get these photos on here as soon as I could.

I love these pics, even though I know nothing about them or who took the photos. Both of these guys are amazing, perfectly formed and with big uncut cocks too!

I know you might not have expected any porn today, but this is more erotica than porn in my opinion, and it's a great choice for a nude shoot.

I love the way this is so upfront and direct, no bashfulness and no shying away from the fact that it's supposed to be erotic and horny. It's direct and to the point while being really artistic and beautiful in the process.

Let me know what you guys think in the comments :)

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Paul-Trevor Bale
Paul-Trevor Bale
5 years ago

Roald is my forever boyfriend! if only I could meet him….

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