What Would You Like To Do With Joshua Kristenson?

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This is the very first time we've seen Joshua Kristenson, and to start off I want to ask you guys what you would love to do with him. I think I have a few ideas myself.

I love strong and powerful looking men, and although they're not usually as smooth as this guy I can definitely appreciate the look. I have a buddy of mine who told me about shaving everything off to display that muscle definition, and while I totally get it it doesn't suit every man. With Joshua Kristenson I think it works though.

This handsome guy is being photographed by Russell Fleming, hanging out on the gorgeous Gold Cost in Australia and bulging out some Marcuse swimwear. I think they might have given him a size too small though... not that I'm complaining about that of course.

That's the thing with wearing something like that, you can't make it so small your nuts hang out the sides, but you want them to be snug enough to show off just enough of your package to make you look very impressive, and these certainly do that for him, right guys? lol

Isn't that little puppy shot just totally adorable?

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