Able Seamen Fabio Santana And Junior Bryan!

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Of course I had to make a pun about gorgeous sailors Fabio Santana and Junior Bryan appearing in this very sexy shoot for Gypsy Fashion.

The handsome duo look so fine together in his shoot, but I have to ask why they felt the need to wear such outfits around the pool lol

Not that I'm complaining, if I ever had the opportunity to go to a pool party or something like that (not likely here in the UK where the average back yard is the size of a postage stamp) I would certainly appreciate this kind of creative eye candy!

The guys are showing some muscle while they display some sexy swim-wear from the Estevez brand, and they're looking totally hot doing it. I have to say that they seem to have missed out on the whole sexy sailor thing by not having the guys being a little more sexy and interactive with each other though. Don't you think there should be at least some shots of them draping an arm over the shoulder of their buddy, or something like that?

Even without that, this is one sexy shoot. I wish I had the body to get away with wearing things like this lol

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9 years ago

Very sexy guys!!

Jimi Paradise
9 years ago

Yum! 😛

Hami Huss
Hami Huss
9 years ago


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