Could You Say No To Lucas Fernandes?

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Are you ready to see perhaps one of the most stunning young men we have ever enjoyed on the Gay Body Blog? I know that sounds like it's going to be an exaggeration, and I would forgive you for thinking that too, but in this case I think a lot of you are going to agree that Lucas Fernandes is one of the most handsome and hunky men we have ever seen.

I have some pics of the handsome and tanned muscular Brazilian stud from a couple of shoots by photographer Mario Lopes that I think you guys are really going to like, and after seeing these I think I'm going to be out there on the net looking for more of this guy. What I've seen already seems to suggest that he's been in the business for a few years now, and we've seen him develop from a fit young twinky type to a full-on handsome and defined man.

I definitely approve of the direction he's going!

What makes him so gorgeous? Well, aside from that muscled and fit jock body, he has a stunning face, and those eyes are just perfect too. He has that alluring look that no sane guy would be able to ignore.


Could You Say No To Lucas Fernandes 1 Could You Say No To Lucas Fernandes 2 Could You Say No To Lucas Fernandes 3 Could You Say No To Lucas Fernandes 4 Could You Say No To Lucas Fernandes 5 Could You Say No To Lucas Fernandes 6   Could You Say No To Lucas Fernandes 8 Could You Say No To Lucas Fernandes 9

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Today’s Gratuitous Pic: The Eyes Have It |
10 years ago

[…] More of this beauty at Gay Body Blog […]

10 years ago

Sorry to disagree, but to answer the headline question: unless he shaves I would say “no”.

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