In Thailand With Renato Freitas

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I have another brand new male model to share with you in this post. Or, at least, he's brand new to me.

His name is Renato Freitas, and he's a Brazilian hottie being photographed by Rafael Manson in this shoot. And I know what you're thinking, there's not enough pics in this shoot to really do him justice. I would agree, but he's so handsome and what we do get is so sexy I just had to have him on here for you guys to appreciate.

The photos were shot in Bangkok, Thailand, although I'm not sure why given that we're limited to a balcony setting. It seems a little odd to me, that you would have a shoot in Thailand and not shoot on the beach...

Maybe I'm missing something, but does that actually make sense to anyone here? lol

Still, regardless of the missed opportunity Renato is so good looking and he has a great body, I'm willing to overlook any complaints or confusion about this shoot and just go with it.

I will be looking for more of this guy too, so if you have any leads do post a comment and let me know. In fact, just post a comment about anything, I'd love to hear from you ;)

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In Thailand With Renato Freitas 4

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In Thailand With Renato Freitas 2

In Thailand With Renato Freitas 1

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End Of The Week #153 | ...dancing with the devil in the city of angels...
10 years ago

[…] in the world would you do a photo shoot of a hot Brazilian male model in Thailand and not include the exotic beauty of the country? Oh. Right . . […]

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