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Handsome Suave And Buff Colton Szostek

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I was trying to think of just the perfect collection of words to describe my thoughts about this handsome male model, and for some reason the word Suave popped into my head. There are more to describe him too of course, such as gorgeous, buff and hunky, but there is something about him that just makes me think he would look hot no matter what he was in or what he was doing.

Colton Szostek is the kind of man I could imagine in a garage shoot, covered in oil. He's the kind of guy I could picture in a fitness magazine, lifting weights. He's the kind of handsome hunk I could imagine in a suit and tie, playing the role of an upper-class guy just waiting to get the attention of a sugar daddy or cougar. lol

Sean Gomes is the photographer snapping this stunning guy for Dominus Magazine, and he's done a great job. I'm inspired to go looking for more of this hottie and see if there's some sexier shoots out there. I'll let you know what I find, but in the meantime let me know what you think of this dude and his look, and let me know if you've seen any shoots out there worth sharing on the blog too ;)

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