Hottie Alert – Eian Scully

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Working from home as much as I do I often experience Cabin Fever. Yeah, it's one of those things I guess, a danger of being cut off from the outside for too long. You might think it's great to be sat at your own desk in your own home working, rather than surrounded by others, but it can actually be a pretty strange experience.

Still, if I was tapped in a cabin with this gorgeous young hunk of eye candy I don't think I would have any problems at all. It's Eian Scully, of course, someone we've lusted after many times on the Gay Body Blog before.

He's being shot in this rather intimate and cozy setting by the awesome Vincent Dilio, someone who knows how to make a man who is already insanely hot into a man capable of melting glass with his gaze.

Okay, that might be a little extreme, he's not a member of the Fantastic Four or anything... incidentally, who else wonders why the extremely bendy Mister Fantastic isn't forever locked in his room gobbling himself off?

Come on now, you know you've thought about it! lol

Anyway, sorry for that smutty redirection there, I guess looking at the gorgeous Eian Scully has me hornier than I thought ;)

Hottie Alert - Eian Scully (1)

Hottie Alert - Eian Scully (2)

Hottie Alert - Eian Scully (3)

Hottie Alert - Eian Scully (4)

Hottie Alert - Eian Scully (5)

Hottie Alert - Eian Scully (6)

Hottie Alert - Eian Scully (7)

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10 years ago

Holy shit.. Killer legs!!

Robert leck
Robert leck
Reply to  1tony165
10 years ago

Hi! cutie I agree hot shit killer legs

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