Getting Dirty With Andrea Preti

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I don't know how this happened, but I have only just heard of Andrea Preti, and these are the first images I have seen of the handsome young man. I am a little surprised, because this is the kind of guy I lust after! When I first "came out" way back when, I knew a guy a lot like Andrea Preti, and he was actually the reason I took that decision to be open and honest. It was a good decision to make!

I guess I go for that youthful and handsome look, that energy and bravado guys like him have. I think that's probably why I love these pictures so much. Even though we know they are staged, there is still something pretty sexy about seeing Andrea Preti in this setting, like we're just following him on his day job as a labourer or something.

There's a masculinity to this collection of pics that really gets my attention. Even though it's all smoke and mirrors, I guess it's about the fantasy, a story and a style.

Speaking of which, this shoot was put together by photographer "Simon" for TOH! Magazine (that's all I know, unfortunately). I would love to find more from this young man out there, so rest assured I will be looking! ;)

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