Getting Twinky With Kyle Deaton

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Hey guys! I know there have been some requests before to have some more twinky guys appearing on the blog, and I have been mixing things up a little more in the last few months to help with that. So when I saw these pics from way back of sexy twink boy Kyle Deaton I knew he would make a great addition to the blog and I had to have him on here.

Although I'm not one to fawn over twinky boys, he has something about him that really turns me on. His eyes are especially sexy. I love that face-on shot with him looking right into the camera, showing off his sparkling blue eyes!

And although he is most definitely what we would call a twink, he has a pretty hot body for a twink! I definitely wouldn't be kicking him out of bed if I happened to find him in it ;)

This lad graduated from University of North Texas with a degree in psychology (those guys always scare me! lol) and immediately set about starting his career as a male model. I don't know what happened after Tracy Nanthavongsa took these pics, but I'm hoping there's some more of this gorgeous young man out there.

I'll be going to see what else I can find of him. I'll let you know!

Getting Twinky With Kyle Deaton (1)

Getting Twinky With Kyle Deaton (2)

Getting Twinky With Kyle Deaton (3)

Getting Twinky With Kyle Deaton (4)

Getting Twinky With Kyle Deaton (5)

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