Getting Twinky With Kyle Deaton
Hey guys! I know there have been some requests before to have some more twinky guys appearing on the blog, and I have been mixing things up a little more in the last few months to help with that. So when I saw these pics from way back of sexy twink boy Kyle Deaton I knew he would make a great addition to the blog and I had to have him on here.
Although I'm not one to fawn over twinky boys, he has something about him that really turns me on. His eyes are especially sexy. I love that face-on shot with him looking right into the camera, showing off his sparkling blue eyes!
And although he is most definitely what we would call a twink, he has a pretty hot body for a twink! I definitely wouldn't be kicking him out of bed if I happened to find him in it ;)
This lad graduated from University of North Texas with a degree in psychology (those guys always scare me! lol) and immediately set about starting his career as a male model. I don't know what happened after Tracy Nanthavongsa took these pics, but I'm hoping there's some more of this gorgeous young man out there.
I'll be going to see what else I can find of him. I'll let you know!