Random Naked Guys

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I finally got back to the gym today after being ill for nearly a week, and although I didn't stay for a full work out it was definitely good to get out of the house, and to see some of the hotties I'm used to seeing. I never thought I would miss working out, but there's nothing like it to help push a bug out of your system. I feel much better after it.

There's this one guy I've been lusting after at the gym for a few months now, and I think I've seen him there about ten times. I finally got to see more today when I was in the locker room just getting changed to start my session and he walked out of the showers with his towel over his shoulder and his cock swinging about in front of him ;)

The guy is drop dead gorgeous, in his early 20's, really fit and with a hot trail of dark hair from his navel to his dick, and it was a nice long and chubby one with a hood on it too - just how I like them lol

So, to celebrate finally seeing some more of him, I was on the net when I got home looking for some sexy naked men to share with you guys too. Check out these hotties and enjoy!

Random Naked Guys (1)

Random Naked Guys (2)

Random Naked Guys (3)

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11 years ago

Very impressive collection of images….Nice taste!