Maikel Castro By Lëo Castro

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So are you ready for Christmas yet? I have really surprised myself this year and I actually have pretty much everything sorted out. Most of my gifts are bought, almost everything is wrapped, the cards were sent and all the randoms on Facebook have had their fleeting - but wholly heartfelt - greetings lol

All I need to do is arrange my rescue call for Christmas day so that I can flee the family gathering before the stories of uncle Charlie's wooden leg are again regaled to a bored-as-sin gathering full up on mince pies and brandy, and before the first kid vomits all over the wooden floor that my sis had especially polished for the occasion ;)

Are all our Christmases pretty much the same? Yeah, I think they probably are. lol

But before all of that chaos and mayhem, there are still a few days of sharing hot guys on the blog that I hope might help relieve the stress of it all just a little. So sit back and enjoy these pics and don't worry about whether your brother will hate the expensive commissioned painting of his favorite rock legend, and don't concern yourself with whether your dog will manage to make it through the party without pooping on the floor.

Just enjoy the appearance Maikel Castro in this post and forget your worries...

Oh, by the way, looks like the world didn't end after all. Who'd have thunk it? ;)

Maikel Castro By Lëo Castro (1)

Maikel Castro By Lëo Castro (2)

Maikel Castro By Lëo Castro (3)

Maikel Castro By Lëo Castro (4)

Maikel Castro By Lëo Castro (5)

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11 years ago

Where are the pics? This seems to happen a lot.

Reply to  Conran
11 years ago

The problem is Safari. Based on the above comment from Tony, I opened in Firefox and saw them. He is awesome – and I’m in love! 😉

11 years ago

the pics did not open in Safari browser but they did open in Google Chrome!


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