Naked Men Self Pics – With Adi Hadad Too!

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I was sent the most delicious self pic today. You remember last month I posted some pics of the gorgeous Adi Hadad appearing for the first time over on the Randy Blue site? Well, the sexy hunk got in touch to thank me for sharing his pics, and he sent me an awesome pic of himself too. You can see that shot at the bottom of the post (saving the best until last!)

Not only is Adi Hadad stunning to look at, he's also a real sweet guy too. He's so nice that he even let me into a little secret, telling me about his first duo shoot for the site. Don't worry guys, I have something special in mind for you later this week ;)

So, Adi Hadad's self pic was enough to totally make my day, and I thought I'd share it with you guys and find some delicious pics of other dudes out there too. I do enjoy these pics, but I have to say again that my favorite is Adi's ;)

I'm guessing a few of these other guys might be porn stars too. I think you can sometimes tell from the luxurious surroundings! Let me know if you spot anyone I really should know. And Adi Hadad fans might just want to scroll right to the bottom for his sexy pic!

Adi Hadad (1)

Adi Hadad (2)

Adi Hadad (3)

Adi Hadad (4)

Adi Hadad (5)

Adi Hadad (6)

Adi Hadad (7)

Adi Hadad (8)

Adi Hadad (9)

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12 years ago

Talk about being HUGE!!!! Thanks! 🙂

12 years ago

Adi’s now a favorite and Tyler Torro’s a stud from head to head to toe