Sexy Speedos – Jesse At Cam With Him

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Okay, I think it's time we had some of the delicious cam guy muscle from the Cam With Him site to kick off the weekend. I've chosen to add some really sexy pics of the gorgeous hunk Jesse for this post, taken from their photo archives on the site, because he totally looks like this guy I met recently.

I have to confess that I feel like a teenager again, with a real hard crush (and I mean HARD) on this guy I've met. You know how you can kind of get a vibe from a dude when you meet him, and even though everyone says he's straight you just think that under the right circumstances, and with a little beer, he might try a little something different? lol

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking about the dude I'm lusting after. Of course, it could just be wishful thinking.

I might find out tonight too, because I've kind of arranged a night out at a local bar with a few buddies and he's been invited.

So how would you play it? Should I just hit on him and see what happens? Maybe I should just get to know him a little first and see how "experimental" he is? I think I might just try dropping a few hints tonight and see how he takes it lol

Anyway, enjoy these pics of the hunky Jesse in his tight little speedos at Can With Him, and drool a little if you feel you must - I am ;)

Sexy Speedos - Jesse At Cam With Him (1) Sexy Speedos - Jesse At Cam With Him (2) Sexy Speedos - Jesse At Cam With Him (3) Sexy Speedos - Jesse At Cam With Him (4) Sexy Speedos - Jesse At Cam With Him (5) Sexy Speedos - Jesse At Cam With Him (6) Sexy Speedos - Jesse At Cam With Him (7) Sexy Speedos - Jesse At Cam With Him (8)

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12 years ago

I love Jesse, if not mistaken he was a chippendale dancer !