Random Hotness By John Hough
I was looking through another of my favorite blogs today and I caught a glimpse of some interesting photography by John Hough. I have to be honest off the bat and say that I normally don't like manipulated photography, but I think that's only when it's intended to deceive. I like natural male photography, and I like digital art, so when the two are combined to create some interesting images rather than to lie, I can appreciate it.
I though some of you might like to check out some of the guys work. He really is pretty talented I think you'll agree, but a lot of that seems to be in the type of men captured in these images.
Being a fan of the big and hunky guys, with muscle in all the right places, a few of these models really do it for me. I love how they tease too, not quite revealing all but giving some really subtle hints at everything there is to offer! Yeah, I think I'm having one of my horny days (come to think of it, I think all my days a pretty horny!) lol
If you can guess which of these pics is my favorite, you win 1000 internet points.
very nice, a good model and an occasion to wish you “happy new year”
You too! 😉
Oh my, heaven
These pics just made me heart go pitter patter!